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Chapter Committees

Nominations Committee

  • Review submitted nominations to create strong ballot for chapter elections


Tellers Committee

  • Review chapter election results for reporting to President 

Audit Committee

  • Review previous year's financials for verification against accounts

Communications Committee

  • Coordinate chapter communications and campaigns per Chapter’s communication plan and monitor email,

  • Work with President to maintain online accounts and generate content for eNewsletters, website, and social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, etc.).

  • Establish and update annually communications plan with tasks and timeline for upcoming year.

Public Relations/Public Awareness Committee

  • Review ASLA's Chapter Operations Workbook (COW) resources related to “awareness” and “public relations.”

  • Establish and update annually an effective public relations program and campaigns to increase public awareness of the landscape architecture profession and significant projects by both chapter members and within the territory of the chapter.

  • Assist with press releases and other media outreach as applicable.

  • Actively work with ASLA PR Coordinator when planning and executing PR events and participate in quarterly PR Chair conference calls.

  • Serve as or appoint the ASLA Public Awareness Representative

    • ASLA Public Awareness Representative: identified role for ASLA coordination to attend ASLA Public Awareness Summit (virtual event)

Government Affairs/Advocacy Committee

  • Review COW resources regarding “advocacy” and “government affairs.”

  • Be familiar with SC licensure requirements and attend SC Board of LA Examiners meetings as schedule allows to relay any concerns affecting licensure or ability to practice in SC.

  • Coordinate the SC advocacy efforts, connecting members to their legislators.

  • Encourage members to respond to their corresponding congressmen as desired to Call for Action(s) on legislation affecting the profession by using iAdvocate (link).

  • Actively work with ASLA Advocacy team contacts when executing advocacy efforts and Advocacy Summit

    • ASLA Advocacy Summit Nominee: nominees submitted by Chapter and selected by ASLA to attend ASLA Advocacy Summit (virtual event)

Education Programming/Continuing Education Committee

  • Be familiar with SC licensure requirements by the SC LLR Board of Landscape Architectural Examiners (link) including ‘Health, Safety, Welfare’ components and related reporting dates. Renewals are the end of January on odd years, 20 Professional Development Hours (PDH).

  • Coordinate LA CES and NCBoLA submittals for approval of education components of upcoming chapter events and monitor email,

  • Lead efforts to expand education opportunities and to increase interaction with allied professional groups and functions.

  • Maintain archive of past CEU activities and provide copy of records if requested by members.

    • Annual Meeting/SERC Representative: identified member to coordinate annual meeting or SE Regional Conference (SERC) as listed the active SERC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Chapter Awards Program Committee

  • Establish and update timeline and submittal guidelines for chapter awards program and corresponding announcements

  • Maintain database of award recipients with images, project statements, and juror comments for chapter use and archives.

Fellows and Honors Committee

  • Review the Society’s online resources: Council of Fellows and Honors and Awards for requirements, templates, database of recipients, deadlines, etc.

  • Update list of potential candidates for Fellows and Honors categories to review with chapter executive committee.

  • Coordinate and assist with candidate nominations to submit to ASLA (typically end of January).

Membership Committee

  • Review COW resources for “membership” and “grow your membership,” including the membership chair checklist.

  • Establish and update annually the chapter Membership Marketing Plan with focus on both retention and recruitment tactics.

  • Maintain prospect list and plan both back to school events and graduating student events to recruit student members and convert graduating students to associate level members.

  • Reach out to non-member attendees of chapter events to invite to become members.

  • Prepare and utilize membership survey in order to connect with members, to serve as reminder of membership benefits, to provide members with opportunity to be heard, and to obtain insight to members’ interests and needs. The survey answers collected assist the chapter ExCom with updating Strategic Plan goals and prioritizing programs for the coming year.

  • Actively work with ASLA Membership Coordinator and participate in quarterly Membership Chair conference calls.


Budget/Finance Committee

  • Review COW resources regarding “treasurer”

  • Keep financial records, collect & distribute payments, and prepare financial tax documents for the chapter

  • Provide periodic or quarterly financial updates to Excom

  • Review budget requests in collaboration with President Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee Chair

Sponsorship Committee

  • Coordinate with Excom, regional chairs, and other committees involved with programming and socials to determine chapter opportunities for sponsorship

  • Establish and update annually chapter’s sponsorship package, including prices and benefits with potential list of events. Sponsorship year begins February 1st annually. 

  • Coordinate efforts to obtain sponsors and satisfy commitments with sponsors which financially support Chapter’s efforts and events


Emerging Professionals & Student Services Committee

  • Review COW resources regarding “emerging professionals” and “student services.”

  • Coordinate efforts to support Chapter members who are new professionals and recent graduates as well as soon-to-be graduates from Clemson’s landscape architecture program. This could include socials, recreational activities, and LARE study groups.

Regional Events Committees of Upstate, Midlands, and Lowcountry

  • coordinate events and socials within corresponding regions of the Chapter (Note: these are “regions,” not “sections.”)

  • Obtain access to chapter’s Eventbrite account as sub-user (administered by Secretary)

  • Work with Membership, Sponsorship, and other committees as necessary for chapter events

  • Provide copy of sign-in sheet/attendees to Sponsorship, Membership, President(s) for coordination and membership recruitment if applicable

  • Send follow-up email to thank attendees, recruit new members, invite to upcoming events, and acknowledge event sponsors with contact info.

  • Follow-up with event sponsor(s) with Thank You and list of attendee names and firm’s contact information, NO EMAILS per ASLA’s Member Information Confidentiality policies.


HALS Chapter Liaison

  • Coordinate and provide technical assistance for Historic American Landscapes Survey mission and with State Historic Preservation Office

*NEW ASLA Climate Action Committee Representative:

  • Chapter member representative to focus on regional climate issues, relevant projects, and progressive techniques in various regions of the US.

*NEW Career Discovery Committee

  • Review COW resources for “career discovery,” “your path,” and “tools for teachers.”

  • Coordinate efforts to grow profession with outreach to K-12 educators & students

  • Actively work with ASLA to provide input and feedback

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