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2024 Chapter Elections

Voting Is Open through August 3, 2024, 11:59pm

It’s time to VOTE for your ASLA South Carolina Chapter leadership! The following positions and candidates are ready to serve the ASLA South Carolina Chapter with terms beginning this fall at the conclusion of the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture. Please see below for bios. All Full, Associate, and International members of the ASLA South Carolina Chapter in good professional standing are eligible to vote and were emailed election information. Please contact the Chapter secretary at with questions.

President Elect The president-elect shall: in consultation with the Executive Committee, select for appointment when he or she assumes office as president the chairs and members of standing committees, other committees, and any special study groups or task forces; represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the president and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees; serve as acting president when designated by the president or the Executive Committee; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter president-elect or as may be assigned or delegated by the president. The president-elect shall be a Full Member elected for a term of no more than one (1) year before assuming role as president. Upon completion of two (2) year term as president, the president then serves one (1) year as immediate past president.


  • Michael Ethridge, ASLA - Michael lives and works in Greenville, SC, and works for Davis & Floyd Engineers. He is a licensed landscape architect with over 24 years of experience. Michael graduated Clemson University with a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture.  Previously, he was with Earth Design, environmental design firm, as well as the in-house Landscape Architect for Berliner Play Equipment Corporation. Michael has previously served Chapter’s continuing education committee chair and most recently as the chapter’s secretary.  In his spare time, Michael enjoys volunteering as a Lieutenant with the South Carolina State Guard, serving as chairman for the Blue Ridge Seas Scouts Board of Directors, hiking, biking, cooking and spending time with his wife Jessica, his children Caldwell and Jackson, and his dog Gus. 


Trustee: This person works closely with National ASLA to make key decisions impacting the direction of the organization and the Chapter. The trustee shall: be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events; serve as an officer on the Executive Committee of the Chapter and serve as the Chapter representative on the Board of Trustees of the Society; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Society by bringing the Chapter perspective to the Board of Trustees and the national perspective to the Executive Committee and members of the Chapter; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Board of Trustees by serving on standing councils or committees, special study groups or task forces, or as a representative or delegate of the Society; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter trustee or as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees of the Society and the Executive Committee of the Chapter. The trustee shall be a Full Member elected for a term of three (3) years. The trustee shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

  • Duane Christopher, ASLA - Duane F. Christopher, the principal of Duane F. Christopher & Assoc., LLC, boasts a rich history as a licensed practitioner in Rock Hill, SC since 1982. His expertise spans diverse areas, from land planning to single-family house design. Engaged with SC ASLA since 1982, Christopher's contributions have been extensive. He's held pivotal roles such as serving on the SC Advisory Board and as Chairman, along with active participation in various local boards and commissions in York County and the City of Rock Hill. Currently, he serves as the Vice Chairman of the Rock Hill Planning Commission. Within SC ASLA, Christopher's involvement has been multifaceted, including stints on the Executive Committee, handling Public Relations, Advocacy, and serving as Treasurer. Notably, he participated in the first two legislative fly-ins to Washington before the National ASLA began sponsoring such trips in 1993 and 1994. In recent years, Christopher had the honor of presiding as SC ASLA President. Beyond his ASLA commitments, Christopher has showcased his expertise nationally by co-presenting at the National meetings in Phoenix (2012) and Boston (2013), focusing on the establishment and operation of micro offices. A graduate of Cornell University with a BS in Landscape Architecture, Christopher's personal life is equally fulfilling. He's been married to Karen for 39 years, and they have a daughter named Michelle, a son-in-law named John, and a grandson named Matthew. Outside of his professional realm, Christopher indulges his passion for performing arts, participating in local plays, ballet performances, and even movies. Eager to continue serving, Christopher expresses his desire to serve as a Trustee for the South Carolina members.

  • Jamie Hairfield, ASLA - Jamie Hairfield has over 20 years of experience as a Landscape Architect and Arborist in Charleston, SC. She worked with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. and is a graduate of Clemson University. Jamie has been an active member of ASLA since joining in 2001 as a student while at Clemson. Upon graduation, she joined the Emerging Professionals Committee with ASLA. Since the Emerging Professionals Committee, she has served as a member of South Carolina’s Executive Committee including the Chapter’s President in 2014 and currently in 2024. Jamie has a great support system from her husband, Jason and their three sons.

Secretary: The primary duty of the secretary will be keeping the records of the chapter. This includes archiving as well as taking and distributing meeting minutes. You are generally at the disposal of the president and president elect.  This includes sending out emails to the membership.  Keeping track of membership (though you will want to coordinate with Membership committee chair to make sure they are keeping up with our new and lapsed members). You may be called upon to read excerpts from prior meeting minutes as at a meeting. The secretary shall be a Full or Associate Member elected for a term of two (2) years.

  • Chandler Corsino, ASLA - Chandler Corsino is a project planner at Wood+Partners, a Regional Land Planning and Landscape Architecture Firm located on Hilton Head Island, SC., where she is about to have her three-year anniversary! Chandler is currently working towards obtaining her Landscape Architect’s license. She received her Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree from the University of Georgia in 2021, where she also minored in Horticulture. Chandler currently serves an At-Large Position and is the SCASLA Public Relations Chair. During her term, she has overseen all social media outlets, participated in Advocacy Day, assisted in the writing of an Op-Ed piece regarding the importance of licensure, and helped plan the 2024 state conference.

At-Large Executive Committee (Two positions available) The at-large members shall perform such other duties as are customary for the position of at-large member or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee of the Chapter. At-large members are expected to be present at committee meetings. At-large members will be responsible for chairing a committee position. The at-large members shall be Full or Associate Members elected for terms of two (2) years.


  • ​​Chris Owings, ASLA - Chris, a resident of Charleston, SC, has over 15 years of experience in the field of landscape architecture. Since earning his Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Clemson University in 2009, he has worked on diverse projects, including resort developments, urban parks, community master planning, and conservation efforts. Chris enjoys collaborating with other professionals and managing the entire development process, from planning and approvals to construction and delivery, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget. His portfolio includes senior living facilities, mixed-use developments, historic revitalization, and educational institutions, where he works with architects and engineers to meet project goals. In addition to overseeing the development process, Chris is passionate about creative stormwater management and urban space design.

  • Andy Smith, ASLA - Andy is originally from Charleston where he currently lives with his wife and daughter. Andy has a strong affinity for the low country along with a focus on native plant design, site planning and technology in design. He is the Director of Design for EYC Companies and Front Street Design and Consulting. He works on projects throughout the southeast and supervises the entire development process for the company’s projects from site selection to design and construction and the design aspects of asset management afterwards. Andy is a graduate of Auburn University. Andy is a current member of the executive committee and the continuing education chair. He has served SCASLA as a member, in an ex-officio capacity for of the executive committee, and as a voting member of the executive committee over the years. Along with his work with SCASLA, Andy currently serves on the City of Charleston’s Design Review Board as a landscape architect and the board’s vice chair.


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